Friday, February 15, 2008

Hot Dog Place of the Week

In a week or so, will be posting a Hot Dog Place, Stand or Cart once a week called Dog of Week, with photos, information, map and reviews, etc. If you have a favorite Hot Dog Place, Stand or Cart or maybe one you don't like, tell us about it and we'll post it. E-mail your photos and information, address, menu info, etc. Be sure to give us your Review as well, using the Big Bite Scale (1 to 5 bites). 1 being not so good (I couldn't even finish the whole bite) and 5 being the absolute best (I ate the whole thing) to:

Also if you have any information about new Hot Dog Places or Hot Dog Festivals , Hot Dog Eating Contests or anything Hot Dog we want to know about it.


The Hot Dog Kids

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